Use "rein|reined|reining|reins" in a sentence

1. You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.

2. Bronc Rein Barstow Bronc Rein half & half

3. Grab the reins.

4. All snaffle Bridles are fitted with webbed reins whereas double Bridles with leather reins

5. He reined in his horse to a halt.

6. You must rein in your temper.

7. Let the reins go slack.

8. Bullrush (AKA Run From Rein) 03CER

9. The horseman jogged the reins.

10. He pulled at the reins.

11. He reins a horse well.

12. 8 His administration's economic policy would focus on reining in inflation.

13. She pulled sharply on the reins.

14. Celebrate – Rebelution 2018, Free Rein

15. You should give me the reins.

16. She pulled gently on the reins.

17. Sean gathered up the horse's reins.

18. Or Reining in Chuckleheaded Librarians I'm inclined to think the latter

19. The government also attempted to rein in immigration.

20. She had the horse on a long rein.

21. The government would try to rein back inflation.

22. It is a horse that reins well.

23. 26 He gave free rein to his imagination.

24. You must learn to rein in your temper.

25. I reined in the horse, turned around, and went back to the livery stable.

26. It's the Treasury that effectively holds the reins.

27. He helped her up before flicking the reins.

28. Can you hold the reins for a minute?

29. My father always kept us on a tight rein.

30. Their attitude, rather than reining him back, only seemed to spur Philip on.

31. Bronc Rein Barstow Vest Pocket Gear Bag

32. We need to rein back public spending.

33. He gave her full rein of the hallway.

34. It is difficult to rein a fiery horse.

35. He wouldn't run away with his reins down.

36. The coachman sat hunched over the reins, waiting.

37. Nikita nodded approvingly as he arranged the reins.

38. Nutty showed him how to hold the reins.

39. The horse answered to the slightest pull on the rein.

40. 27 Can you hold the reins for a minute?

41. She grasped the reins and led the horse back.

42. Slacken the reins or you'll hurt the horse's mouth.

43. " That's a fine bevy , Ma'm ,' said Gerald gallantly, reining his horse alongside the carriage.

44. 18 The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.

45. Synonyms for Bridling include curbing, controlling, governing, restraining, checking, mastering, repressing, constraining, subduing and reining in

46. It's essential to keep a tight rein on public spending.

47. The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.

48. McCain has pledged to rein in government spending.

49. Don't allow the reins to slacken, keep them taut.

50. But not when it 's time to rein in errant behavior .

51. We must rein our emotions and not be swayed by them.

52. Government would consider this disadvantageous and may rein in schedulingof liberalization.

53. Are you ready to take the reins of leadership?

54. He must have let the reins free every day

55. In those years, he held the reins of government.

56. 28 " That's a fine bevy , Ma'm ,' said Gerald gallantly, reining his horse alongside the carriage.

57. The finance director keeps a tight rein on spending.

58. We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.

59. [/media-credit] Briar Rose Creamery Chevre draining Simplicity Reins Supreme

60. I'd loosened the reins while Celeste consumed my every moment.

61. Joe grinned, cracked a playful whip and lightly tweaked the reins.

62. I always put my son on reins when we go shopping.

63. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English give somebody a free hand/rein give somebody a free hand/rein LET/ALLOW to let someone do whatever they want or need to do in a particular situation The producer was given a free rein with the script

64. Mako is too inexperienced to rein in her memories during combat.

65. Double Bridle: A horse Bridle with four reins and two bits

66. The apostate man of lawlessness gradually assumed the reins of power.

67. I need to let go of the reins a little bit.

68. She's the boss but her secretary often seems to hold the reins.

69. 52 synonyms for Constrain: restrict, confine, curb, restrain, rein, constrict, hem in, straiten

70. He also tries to rein in some of Satō's sadistic tendencies toward others.

71. Mary spoiled both her children, then tried too late to rein them in.

72. The government has imposed strict reins on the import of luxury goods.

73. If he values your work, he may rein in his abusiveness.

74. She was considered a wild girl who only needed reining in, and Hank was the man to do it.

75. She gave a gentle pull on the reins, and the horse stopped.

76. The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.

77. During this difficult period, parents should hold on to the reins of authority.

78. His horse was feeling frisky, and he had to hold the reins tightly.

79. The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in.

80. 5 The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.